OPINION: No Pride in Targeting Children & Giving Ammunition to Organised Homophobes

Why are Pride activities and “rainbow” organisations, now solely focused on gender ideology, directly targeting children and freely giving ammunition to well-funded, organised homophobes?

16 February 2025

Dear Leaders,

Pride’s origins are in homosexual liberation. It is a legitimate sexual rights movement for same-sex attracted women and men. So why are Pride activities and “rainbow” organisations, now solely focused on gender ideology, directly targeting children and freely giving ammunition to well-funded, organised homophobes?

Children do not need to be sexually liberated. To suggest otherwise would be to firmly align oneself with paedophilia proponents. Despite the fact that that should be obvious, Pride organisers and “rainbow” organisations soldier on sabotaging the arduous yet successful work of the 20th century (and very early 21st century) gay rights movement.

Before my time and when I was a child (I was born a year after Homosexual Law Reform), same-sex attracted women and men (LGB) worked diligently to publicly condemn attempts to infiltrate the gay rights movement by pro-paedophilia activists. Namely, NAMBLA and PIE. They assured the public that children were not the target of their activism. Today, here we are having to call out the direct targeting of children by Pride/Rainbow organisers, charities, and activists, aided by councils and government using taxpayer funds. It shouldn’t take a genius to know that a “stripper” “drag king” and self-described “slut” reading to kids under the banner of Pride – again, its origins in homosexuality – is just not on.

How has this happened? I’m confident that the forced-teaming of homosexuality (LGB) with  “trans” / “gender identity” ideology (TQ+) is the number one source of this insanity and the bizarre inability of some to see how wrong it is for Pride and children to have a connection. If it had continued to be just about homosexual liberation, words at the forefront of people’s minds would be ones such as “homosexual”, “sexuality”, “sex”, “gay”, “lesbian”, “bisexual”, and “adult”. Drag would be associated with a subculture within the adult gay male demographic. Drag Queen/King Story Time, in my opinion, would never have eventuated. Because our collective guttural reaction of sexuality and children being connected would rise up in an instant.

And that’s the thing about “trans” / ”gender identity” ideology. Its linguistic manipulation which constitutes its very foundations. Evidently it causes a blind spot for many people who should know better. It’s as if “LGB” has no meaning to them, it’s just what’s said before “TQ+” without thought. Now words at the forefront of people’s minds with Pride are “gender”, “identity”, “expression”, “inclusion”, “diversity”, “belonging”, “sacred”, and in New Zealand, “taonga”. Not very sexual sounding all of that, is it? Cunning.

The targeting of children to push sexualised themes and transgenderism / ”gender identity” ideology, using the legitimate gay rights movement as a front, harms children first and foremost. No child is “born in the wrong body”. “Gender identity” souls have no basis in material reality. Every child should have the right to reach adulthood free from iatrogenic harm via “gender-affirming care” – another example of linguistic manipulation.

In the end, the backlash to the excesses of “trans” activism will harm the legitimate movement for homosexual liberation, which in New Zealand we had achieved. I say “had” because you just have to look at the exclusion of Lesbian Action for Visibility Aotearoa from having a stall at ‘Out in the City’ Pride event in Wellington documenting lesbian history in the region. Then you’ve got Australia where lesbians cannot hold public events for lesbians only – they must include men who “identify as” lesbians otherwise they have to be completely private and underground.

Do Pride organisers, councillors, and politicians also not consider what other societies are seeing in the west, and that they are harming and sabotaging legitimate homosexual liberation abroad?

It's time for politicians and councillors to sit down and truly listen to the diverse, non-threatening voices of women, parents, LGB, as well as numerous education and mental health professionals, over the last 7 years about the harms of gender ideology and excesses of Pride for so many demographics, especially children, women/girls, and LGB. The aggressive and intimidating display by Destiny Church with children present – no doubt frightening - could’ve been prevented had you put your ears on and listened, then put your thinking caps on and thought.

Hamish McGregor


Submission: Consultation on safety measures for the use of puberty blockers in young people with gender-related health needs