End the Uncontrolled Experimental use of Puberty Blockers for “Gender Identity”
LGB Alliance Aotearoa New Zealand wishes to express our concern over the use of puberty blockers being prescribed as a treatment for “gender” issues for children and youth under the age of 18.
‘Turn Up, Listen Up’ Speech at Parliament Lawn (8 June 2023)
We won’t stand by silent while the legitimate gay rights movement is corrupted and brought into disrepute by the excesses and unethical practices of the TQ+ gender identity movement and its force-teaming with LGB.
Submission on the Integrity Sport and Recreation Bill
We strongly hold the position that as a sex-class, women and girls are relevant stakeholders to maintaining integrity in the sports and recreation sector. The separation of sports on the basis of sex is to ensure that males can be excluded from female sports categories where strength, stamina, and physique are relevant.
Submission on the Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 3)
LGB Alliance Aotearoa New Zealand recommends that Schedule 23 Clause 1(1)(a)(ii) of the Act remain unchanged and not be replaced by Clause 38 (1) proposals in this amendment bill. We believe the current provisions in the Act for selecting co-opted and appointed members of school boards, particularly Schedule 23 Clause 1(1)(a)(iv), permit for the diversity of school communities to be considered. We also believe that the privacy of students and other school community members are paramount and they should not be required to disclose highly sensitive information like their 'sexualities' or 'gender[identities]'.
Open Letter/Press Release: Violence & Bill of Rights Violations at Let Women Speak Auckland 2023
LGB Alliance Aotearoa New Zealand are horrified at the political violence, abuse, and intimidation inflicted on women, girls, and seniors at a public women’s & children’s rights rally, Let Women Speak (LWS) Auckland, on Saturday 25th March 2023 at the band rotunda, Albert Square.
Letter to MPs: Puberty Blockers & Gender Affirmation (11 August 2022)
LGB Alliance Aotearoa New Zealand wishes to express our concern over the use of puberty blockers being prescribed as a treatment for “gender” issues for children and youth under the age of 18.